Rep. Kevin Avard interviews James J. Miller & Joshua Youssef

additional commentary by Rep. Timothy Horrigan, member of the House Redress Committee

See Also:

I am just presenting this for informational purposes: I don't necessarily endorse anything Mr. Miller or Mr. Youssef say, especially not Mr Miller's theory that the Industrial Revolution happened in the early 1900s. This was taped on or shortly before July 24, 2012

Rep. Kevin Avard has done several TV shows about the House Redress Committee. I am a little surprised by this one.

When I posted the text of the New Hampshire Sup\eme Court's "Miller vs. Todd" decision on my web site, I made a mildly snarky comment: "As far as I know, the father James J. Miller has not even considered filing a petition with the Redress Committee, even though a few victorious parents have filed petitions anyway related to their divorce cases, on the grounds that their victory was not total enough." It is unclear if Miller is actually thinking about filing a petition, but he did end up on Rep. Kevin Avard's TV show, appearing jointly with petitioner & State Senate candidate Joshua Youssef.  He has also developed some theories about New Hampshire law.

I will try not to be cynical: I will assume that this really is the same James J. Miller who won the Miller vs. Todd case.   Some of the graphics on Rep. Avard's telecast label Mr, Miller as "James J. Miller, J.D."  There are many lawyers out there named James Miller: this guy is (apparently) the James J. Miller who was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 2003 but who has since officially retired, and now lives in Hamburg, NY.  Coincidentally, 2003 is also the year when the Miller vs. Todd court battle began.  We get a lot of laypersons coming before the Redress Committee who have represented themselves per se (often with disastrous results) but Mr. Miller had a lawyer when the Miller vs. Todd case made it to the state Supreme Court. (I have noticed that lawyers almost always hire another lawyer when they get in trouble.)

I have gotten a fair amount of crap from leadership for talking about the petitions on my web site, but Rep. Avard has been producing a cable TV series and a YouTube channel, with (as far as I know) no crappy reception whatsoever.

Kevin Avard's "Speak Up!" videos:

See Also: